Vývoj metódy izolácie vybranej skupiny pesticídov z pôdy prietokovou extrakciou z tuhej vzorky pred HPLC analýzou
Klíčová slova:
prietoková extrakcia z tuhej vzorky, pesticídy, pôda, HPLCAbstrakt
An off-line flow-through extraction method from soil samples for HPLC determination of selected group of pesticides has been developed. Methoxurone, atrazine, propazine, simazine, terbutrine, cloquintocet-mexyl, cypermethrine and permethrine were analysed. The effect of amount of Silica L 40/100 sorbent, flow-rate and extract volume on the recovery of the pesticides were studied. The obtained recoveries for 1.0 g of dry soil samples containing 2.5 µg of each pesticides were 67–87 % for triazines pesticides and cloqiuntocet-mexyl and 40–57 % for pyrethroids cypermethrin and permethrin.